... und während sich überall die mittagsruhe ausbreitet, fahren wir in südlicher richtung aus der stadt hinaus, zu den zwei türmen des schweigens. .... Danach verlassen wir Yazd in richtung nordwest, in richtung Nain. ....
Zoroaster, Zarathustra, türmen des schweigens, zisterne, sandwüste, sand, moschee, verlassen ortschaft, BBC, alte frau, alter mann, Gerhard, Uta, Connie, Günter Weiland, Naso, Nain, Jafarabad, Yazd, sommer 1974
Язд, одно из самых интересных мест в Иране. .... А сейчас я понимаю, что язд достоин и того, чтобы провести в нём два полных дня. И это при том, что обычно я закладывал 2 дня на осмотр мировых столиц: Стамбула, Лондона и некоторых других.
Зороастризм, Храм огня, Башни молчания, Старому городу, Лабиринта улочек, Глинобитных домов, Глиняные стены, Внутренний двор, Бадгир, Фотографии Европейского девушек, Автобусный терминал, Silk Road отель, Lari дом, Гору Орла, Деревню Cham, Язд, Йезд
An short itinerary by Michelle Duffy -Google IT engineer and author of a family travel book- from Yazd. She travels with her husband and two boys. Her mantra is: having a family does not mean you need to abandon your adventurous spirit, but enhances it.
This is a pictorial travelogue of two American tourists, Ruth and her husband George, during their first visit to Yazd, Iran in 19 April 2009. They reported the ancient places, historical buildings and some social problems in Yazd.
Ancient building, Social problem, Zoroastrianism, Yazdi youngs, Tower of silence, Wind tower, Qanat, Winding alley, Bathhouse, Henna factory, Amirchakhmagh takieh, Nakhl, Twelve Imams monument, Alexander`s prison, Hammame Khan, Date 19 April 2009
Itinerary and great photos of Canadian couple, Chris Beauchamp -photographer, film maker and writer- & Laura Beauchamp -teacher and education program manager for museums and provincial parks-, from Yazd.
Hotel, Traditional Yazdi House, Courtyard, Badgir, Door, Warm, Dry, Narrow alley, Motorcycle, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yazd, Date 7 July 2010
The professional traveler couple from Romania & Ukraine shared their experiences in beautiful photos & stories from Yazd: Yazd is a magical city with special atmosphere …. It represents a lot the culture and traditions of the country. ….
.... Yazd on ikka samasugune kui enne. Veidi arenenum ehk, ja veidi rohkem on välisturiste, kuid üldiselt on see ikka sama, vana hea "üks vanimaid linnu maailmas", kus on palju kauneid mošeesid ning mille savimajade labürindis ära eksida. ....
Tuuletorni, Veemahutid, Linna heli, Esimese imaami surma aastapäeva, Mošeest, Zurkhaneh
Adventures of Ricardo Pinto -computer game programmer and fantasy novelist- in Yazd and his analysis of the local traditional architecture and sustainable technology of life in this town.
Hotel, Passport, Climate, Driver, Door, Zoroastrian, Mr. Lorian, Fire temple, Towers of silence, Pigeon tower, Ice house, Adobe, Mud brick, Wind tower, Qanat, Architecture, Dog, Cat, India, Chak chak, Kharanagh, Meybod, Yazd